Saturday, June 25, 2011

Everybody Wants To Be Japanese.

Today was the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival.

 The only people dressed up in "traditional kimonos" were the silly Americans. Then we saw kids eating noodles with chopsticks in a circle on the floor.

After some eye shopping (for me, at least), we read at B&N. Currently, I'm reading Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman. Next on my list is Annie Leonard's The Story of Stuff.

Battle Of The Bands.

I was told my pictures come out blurry/pixelated (on Macs-- go figure), so I've extended the width of my blog hoping that enlarged images have better quality than small, compressed images.

Yesterday was dedicated to Matty M. He gave us a wake up call, then we worked out at his gym, and then he came over for dinner.

"Come. Come sit on my lap."
It took me a while to comply.
They went to Untitled at the Denver Art Museum (where Matty works), while I knocked out for an hour. Then we headed to City Hall for Battle of the Bands.

We sneaked over next door where there was an open rooftop (or whatever you call it). This venue is three stories cool! Definitely a change of scene from annoying ass dub step (huge in Denver, I guess) to jazz music.

Matthew giving Stephen lessons.

Matthew's friend, Margaret, joined us last minute.

Fiesty, those two.

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Unexpected.

Thursday was also unproductive. I read an entire issue of Good at B&N and then wrote twice. That's when you know I have a lot of time on my hands thanks to not having a job in Denver this summer.

At night, however, we went over to Matthew's (ginormous) studio and watched a French documentary on organic food, drank "Peace" green tea, ate pomegranates and banana chocolate chip muffin tops, and pet Boris (the fattest cat in the world) until my eyes turned red. I guess I'm allergic to cats.

Our Koreanness felt like we needed to bring gifts to his house.

Evil in every way possible, these things.

Today will maybe be full of surprises. Gym, an acoustic show, or Untitled, or Battle of the Bands (courtesy of 303), or just Korean food for dinner, demanded by Matty M. 
I'll let you know how today goes.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Our random fancy night:
(which reminds me...every 15th of the month, we're supposed to have a fancy dinner as a monthly celebratory shindig of my arrival. We skipped June because of Ken, but I guess all these little things added up).

Sarah blushing at my beauty ;)
Actually, I don't know what she's doing.

Gross, why am I doing that?

Sarah's cyclops eyes.

Today after 303, our EIC gave us a ride downtown (a horrific experience).
Afterwards, we did a lot of traveling for some errands. Cherry Creek, Guitar Center, Walmart, and meeting Sarah and Cadence. I went to Whole Foods for the first time in my life. Why is that such a crime? I'm from Rancho... I just go to Henry's when I'm feeling fancy (which is rare).

As you can see, Cadence was very excited to see us.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

For No One.

Unproductive days...

Outside ghetto 303.

Went to Dixon's for happy hour after 303.

Describing a familiar face.

After grocery shopping and dinner, we went to Rooster and Moon.

Now we're trying to bombard Matthew's house but he won't pick up his phone. Then to 303 meeting :(

PS. Feeling morbid but want to spend your night smirking? Watch The Last Word. It may be one of my phase favorites. The kind where I won't watch it more than once. Besides, any Winona Ryder movie is an indie movie, and you know that's true.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

PrideFest Weekend.

Yesterday marked the first day of Denver's PrideFest. We just stopped by since we live right next to the park. 

A rave in broad daylight.

Sitting in the sun in front of AA until we walked in and our friend Steven hooked us up with free "Legalize Gay" shirts. I'm wearing mine to church when I get home hahaha. Can't wait to see all those " what did Denver do to you" stares.

 Today I broke my sandals after getting off the bus to go to church. The first time it's ever happened to me. 
I wore Steph's socks until Sarah came and brought me flipflops (thanks a ton!).

Steph's kimono HAHA.