Saturday, July 9, 2011


I literally stayed home all day. It was pouring again in the early afternoon and I just didn't feel like going out. 

After cleaning the house (late at night). But I was practically reading all day. Finally on the last chapter of that book. I'm a very, very slow reader. I like to take in what I read.

 Since the Bardo Coffee House (which we have never been to) is open until 4AM on weekends, we left the house at around 12:30 to go check it out. 

The place is lovely. Similar ambiance of my future coffee house that I'm going to open with my sister. And yes, I'm serious if she's serious about it.

 Their teabread is amazing.
We ended up doing our own thing. I tried to write a blog entry for especialee/monotonous spontaneity/whatever you want to call it, but realized it belonged to SUBTLE instead. For the first time since I mentally noted that I didn't want to write for SUBTLE anymore (which was around February. I know, sad, since it launched in the fall of 2010), I finally had something to write about on my own. However, I haven't decided if I want to get shot down for my entry yet (yes, it probably will get shot down, like all of my SUBTLE articles. I have difficulty writing them. So sue me). 
Anyway, so then I sat there staring at the screen because it was like one of those moments when you really want to write a blog entry but can't. And you can't force it either because if you do, it ends up being really sucky. I always feel like people are anxiously waiting to read about my life/my opinions. Invisible deadlines. I know, pretty egotistical of me, but that's how my blog is anything close to consistent.

My DEN to LAX itinerary, a postcard, one narcissistic polaroid, the Miami Horror ticket, and unsent letters. Introducing my bookmarks for a single book.

We were leaving videos for friends.

Finally, after two hours at The Bardo, we walked along Broadway.

Stopped by El Diablo for this grilled-corn wannabe.

Now it's 5AM and I'm sleepless in Denver.

1 comment:

  1. stephen finally figured out the password to his laptop? lol!
