Thursday, July 14, 2011

Je Ne Sais Pas.

Yesterday was Bomi's 21st, which was celebrated at Paramount Cafe downtown. Finally, a place where we could meet up that wasn't driving distance. Ironically, we asked Soy and Chris to pick us up because it was pouring by the time we needed to leave.
Finally saw Aggie after she served us in Mikuni way back in May.

Chris and Soy

Last night, I realized how much it must have sucked to be here without a plus-one. I guess I've just never experienced that because the majority of my friends at home are so independent and on their own (aka single). I kind of like that about us.

Birthday girl.

By the way, I'm completely traumatized by looking at pictures of my hair. It's brown again. Only on top, again. And though I never get compliments for putting the effort of making my hair look wavy, I always stick to it, and then always end up realizing it doesn't look the way it does when I look in the mirror. So I'm directionless. I don't know what to do with my hair. I suppose I'll dye it black when I go home in two weeks. As for my long mane, je ne sais pas.

1 comment:

  1. I love your hair!
    wavy or not
    i got my hair cut and the lady effed up
    so now my hair is shoulder length
    and im in misery :(
