Friday, May 27, 2011

Fashion, Queers, And Naked Bodies.

The fashion show/release party was....a surreal opportunity. The show wasn't great, but it was my first time being in a professional "party" environment with a two hour cocktail session. But I was checking everyone in so I had to sit down, yell in people's ears, and cross off names.

Guess who's modeling in the back? (GROSS).

The black guy has such a nice body. Apparently he just graduated from high school. Yuck.
I've never seen so many gay guys gushing over something like little girls, though I can't blame them ;)

Meet Noah. The intern who kept interrogating me and forcing me to go to Tracks for the after party.

Meet Matthew Marchetti. My favorite 23 year old Coloradoan.

Meet the drag queen. Jk.


So there were two different sections of Tracks. One side was 99.9% gay with gay music (.1% being me and this one other guy I don't know), and the other side was 99.9% straight with super ghetto music (.1% being the gays I was with). Above is a picture of the ghetto side.

They bring out this flamboyant side of me. Well, maybe not Matthew. He's too composed.

Jayme was there!

Afterwards, we met up with Boomi. Matthew and I tried to go to McDonald's while Stephy and Boomi went elsewhere. Drive-thru was our only option, and even that option wasn't really an option.

So we settled with Tom's Diner and ended the night enjoying a rare time like this.

How was my first magazine event? It's probably what makes working at a tedious office worth it all.


  1. MUST u stress "in the back" and only post the one with me, indeed, "in the back?" I was also in the FRONT three times. Thanks.

    Also, you forgot to mention that all of that makeup was not my doing, and I tried my best to get it all off.

    Thanks for maintaining my reputation, bro.

  2. Actually, I don't care. I felt amazing.

  3. your summer life looks so glamorous!! heheh imy!!

  4. this looks like so much fun!



  5. good to hear from ya chris ;)
